It’s private.
Only the person who has the P.O. Box key has access to the mail that is sent to you or company.
It’s secure.
If you are a frequent traveler you don’t run the risk of losing your correspondence, because it will be stored in a safe place and you can collect it when it’s more convenient for you.
It’s permanent.
If you or your company are using a rent address, you can be sure that when you move from your actual location your mail does not have to move with you, because it will be arriving at the same P.O. Box.
It’s convenient.
All our P.O. Boxes are located in accessible areas. You can select the area that is most convenient for you.
It’s fast.
Mail typically arrives faster at a P.O. Box than at a residential or business address.
Additionally, you can always request for Post Aruba to deliver the contents of you P.O. Box directly to you. Please get in touch with us or choose the service through our U-Wana Delivery app.
It’s affordable.
Our prices fit any budget.